Monday, August 12, 2013

The Impact of Technical Debt on Productivity

Some measures for raising the productivity are not very recommendable:
  • Incomplete implementation of requirements
  • Postponed corrections of known defects
  • Disregard of commentation and technical design
  • Insufficient or missing documentation
  • Insufficient test coverage
  • Build and deploy processes too complex and not automatable
A development project increasing the productivity by such measures takes on technical debt which must be paid back including interest after this project is completed - while the further development. Interest payments are:
  • increasing effort for further development, which results in decreasing productivity,
  • above-average effort for defect analyses and corrections.
The impact of technical debt may look similar to the diagram below. After completion of a development project and production start of an application (Rel. 1.0 in this example) the productivity measured for the further development (Releases 1.1, 1.2, etc.) is decreasing continuously (see: Measuring Productivity in Software Development), provided that the input considers the total expenses including these for defect analyses and corrections. 

Course of Defect Density and Productivity in case of technical Debt (Sample)

Steady code analyses are suitable to detect symptoms of technical debt almost early, already while the initial development project (see: Using Sonar for steady Analyses of the Code Quality). 

My post Measures for optimizing Productivity shows better measures for increasing the productivity.

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